Friday, November 21, 2008

This time, no one makes it home.

I have nothing but good things to say about Ghostlimb. They blow my mind. The combine the aggressive thrashy essence, similar to Bracewar or Spazz, with melodic hardcore. The two together make for an entertaining listen.

Bearing & Distance's lyrics are what defines the album. They range from many topics, from religion to politics, personal boundaries and individuality.  Any mood that you are in, there is a song on this record for you.

Favorite lyrics:

The Catholic kid says he's keeping it the same and the mistakes of his parents he'll carry to his grave and the Christian kids say it's how it's always been, where the battle lines are clearly drawn between piety and sin he said lovers of prostitutes are happy, fit and satisfied. As for me, my arms are broken from grasping the clouds.

This EP is amazing, go check them out and support them.

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