Friday, January 30, 2009

I wish I could find a fucking excuse.

I have been into swamp thing for a long time now, but sice the release of In Shame, I have now officially been addicted to their music. THis album features a more personal set of lyrics, involving pieces of shit, motherfuckers, the bastard they call God and leeches. It hits at a personal level too, If i am feeling like shit, and its because of the people around me, i just pop this bad boy on and prepare for the worst.

In comparison to the youth is sick, this album, i find is definitely faster and more angry. The guitars are definitely heavy as shit, but more fine tuned. I mean, the rhythm seems perfected on all of the songs and there seems to the perfect harmony between both guitars.

I purely enjoy the drums on this record, not too fast, not too slow, but that perfect speed. They definitely power through the guitars, which is a good thing, because on some other albums, not swamp thing's i have a hrd time hearing the drums over every other instrument.

Listen to every song on this album, it is unreal.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Burn it to the Ground!

Crossbearer have been around for awhile, whether you've noticed them or not. The truth of the matter is that Crossbearer are amazing in every way and form. Heavy guitar parts filled with melodic harmonies, aggravated vocals powered by powerful lyrics and fast hard drums.

Transgressor, their newest release is an example of their growth and overall development over the past years. It boasts the previously described characteristics but with a tightened finish.

What blows my mind, and my ear drums are the melodic breaks in the songs that always make me turn the vlume up in my headphones or my speakers. They are just so good, and always capture their talent within about thirty seconds.

Check out Transgressor, Honesty & Hersey, and their first demo, they are wicked.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Alpha & Omega

Leave me speechless. Absolutely amazing. Sounds a bit like blacklisted but heavier and more pissed off. I've listened to Devil's Bed about 5 times in the past 3 hours and can't believe that I am not sick of it yet.

The guitars are extremely heavy and the recording did not draw away from the roots, like other records I have listened to. Where the recording makes the music less heavy than it actually is.

The vocals are what keep me in to this record. His voice is so heavy and booming that it could break through any Guitar riff or drum beat with force.

Just a wicked record to listen to.