Sunday, December 21, 2008

Get Center

I haven't updated this blog in a while and I apologize to those who read it, the few of you at best. Consistency is a bitch, and schedules are not the way I usually live my life by.

But I have thoroughly enjoyed Casting Curses new Record.
It's catchy and enjoyable from the first time I listened to it. The Guitars have a very unique sound, in my opinion. They have that Southern vibe, but the vocals are just in your face. I love hearing strong vocals over heavy guitar rhythms, Its something about that combination that got me into Hardcore, and I'm glad to hear it again.
I would compare them to Braindead and bands a like, but with more emphasis on the weight of the guitar and heavier parts in most songs.

Check these guys out, they are from Quesbec, so Home soil for me.

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