Monday, December 1, 2008

The interview with Let down is below. Thanks Justin and Bob for taking the time to answer the questions!

What was your first introduction to hardcore and the music scene?
Well, when I was younger I used to hang out with a lot of older dudes who sort of took me on as their protege. I was getting a lot of exposure with the So-So Def label and everything until an incident involving my limo driver where I needed 36 stitches to seal my asshole.

All of you have been edge for a long time, whats it like growing up in a society where constant pressures and strains to give in to drugs?
It's hard but sometimes you just have to man up and face it. Like when the press gets ahold of your hospital forms and discovers that you had to have your stomach pumped for swallowing too much semen. You just have to tell yourself that you're the Queen Bee and you have B.I.G. in your corner, face the player haters straight on and keep on doing what you're doing. And not go deaf like Foxy Brown.

What keeps you guys on the road, recording and doing what you are doing?
The support of my brother, our great job at this burger place where this wild shit always happens, the thought of climbing inside the milkshake machine at work, and my crippling addiction to orange soda.

Your lyrics are pissed off,straight to the point. Would you consider the energy you put into your music and playing live therapeutic in anyway?
That's part of it but really most of the reason we do Let Down is because all of our records and songs and shit are part of this over-arching story, like we're working on the novelized version of it right now but basically each release we did is like a new chapter in it. They're about this cat who is down on his luck and desperate to succeed. The first 7 inch is actually called "Let Down: The Trials and Tribulations of Whiskers Furribottom" which is sort of just about his struggles and shit like that, "Crossed Off" is called "Crossed Off: The Heinous Acts of Whiskers Furribttom" which is like about all this fucked up shit he had to do to survive, etc. "Sacrifice Me - Whiskers Furribottom and the Horrible Revenge of Squeaky Mouseman" which is just about his arch-enemy or some shit, and finally "We're In This Alone" is like the final piece in the puzzle, it's actually called "We're In this Alone - The Revenge and Redemption of Whiskers Furribottom". So to answer your question, a lot of the energy we put into this band goes into getting into the character of Whiskers Furribottom but since the story is somewhat autobiographical it's not hard to get a real sense of catharsis from this band.

What are you guys doing in the future? tours, records, shows?
We have yet to decide if we've written the last chapter on the whole Whiskers Furribottom thing, like we might do another 7 inch sort as an epilogue or maybe to just milk the thing a little more, like who knows. As for tours and shows and shit like that we'll see on a case by case basis, we haven't played our last show yet so until that day anything could happen really.

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